A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Cow life

Cows have it hard. 

For example, as I
understand it: they 
never have to work
a day in your life!

Their job is eat! Grass, 
corn - feed at any rate. 
Big time! Grow big, shit

and die. 

What a life!
For a cow? Sounds
inhumane, but think.
About a society. How
it brands us. What's
entailed. Really,
the lies get so
thick they grow

Do we really so
much better know
how life is? To be
lived? Why not 

- or why? 

A human has duties, 
here. Hard ones. Hard 
won. It includes asking 
the big questions. Such 
as what about
a cow!


The point, for a man
...look. I don't mean to
lower you, me, or anybody.
But you might admit to it. To
many a man maybe, that cowed,
pasture ridden existence
sounds a lot

like heaven.

Think about it.
Good sun, breeze
all over your sexy 
bovine body, get
snuck up on, fucked
by a bull now and then, 
sure. Nobody's perfect
- but overall? 

Living it up high
on the hog, perhaps
not so high as the horse
in the animal racket. Oink,
neigh. But low strong. Lower
your head you stupid cow
and low! Moo moo, 

No bull, please 
not just now 

this day is


for me. Moo moo, 

moo freaking moo

It changes 
how you think, 
a life like that. 
Or it might,
you know. 


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