A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Bitter pill sweet capsule reviews #2:

The G, The B, & The U. vs SWs 1. 

It begins: 

Cool! That movie
was so great

and so long
it didn’t even have
to add up. I don’t know
how they pulled it off.
Sure fooled me!

Although, I can see how Clint stood
around for three hours, daring the world
with his eyes alit (from the hat) (in brim's
dark-pitched shade, rigged by Sergio's so
he-male gaze) all keen for hot flying lead
- but only if you want? Looking about as
“Good” as he smells in that getup, probably
- is not to all tastes.


Try Han Solo! He at least took a bath in outer
space trying to score dirty once in awhile!

Clean guy. True, not too kind or honest,
though. He means so poorly, it's a wonder 
he wins so easily by it. Charmed life, or 
just that raffish charm he exudes at a 
flat out full-tilt run, yelling and blast 
everything! Oops, turned a corner 
there - backtrack quick fast now, 
too, you two: Chewie! In here!

Jump the ship! Make
the hyperdust chase US. On
computer-course. Correct! 

Are we here yet?

What's with all the rocks
flying? OW! Get the 
f***ing shields up the
hell out of here! WRONG
GONE ROCK, hard to beat
that to conclusion. What 

To the moon, fast! Ben: 



What do you want?

Totally different culture Han grew in. So
long ago faraway, he calls us:

Out hot on a big game money hunt, taking
every turn so wrong so fast, ends 
up at heroism - screw this!

Oh wait. 

that chick

That Babe, I see 

DIGS this! Oh yeah, she 
loves me. Said 


"I know." 

Blondie never was much 
for the ladies, at least 
not so to speak. So he'd 
take one look and grunt, 
probably. Nice clean 
outfit, dude. 

Han could kick his ass 
in three words or less,
I reckon! Probably:

"Go, Chewie GO!"

When you pack the tall 
dog by your side, who 
needs bullets or bites? 

Rip the arms off. Done. 

Bit ugly, that one. 

It eventually ends. 

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