A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, March 24, 2023

brand stand

Ever since work
switched to free

Pepsi from free

I sure do sleep
better. But I
so do miss
some nights.

Those nights! Ah, slept
right through and out, out
like a baby, out like a bike.
Fear of missing out? No 
fear. Try sleep! You can't

The nightmare of missing out
awaits, and may awake you -
but you bolt not quite upright,
look around - midnight!


Am I even in bed yet?
Is this a dream, or the other
thing? - no lights, no big city,
no noise - no fun, baby. In theory.
But oh so good, beautiful sleep
since...damn Pepsi.

Quick, up at night?
Forgot to check in
or put out a feeler on
what's up? Call the friend
squad! Contact the BOON
ALLIES and find if anyone
got boozed, coked to the gills
or similar, flipped out socially
or otherwise made a shitshow
of themselves or others any
where this evening, if so

was I missed? I see.

I see. Did I miss it, then? Where?
Any witnesses yet or still there?


Copy and hold out! I'll be right
there on standby  - LATER! Than
you might have preferred! Much
too early! For sleep, to-nite!

COKED, or soon
will be - what with
my good gin rummy 
whisky spirit piss pourers
and bibbers about, lugging
lagers, cocktails and shots
around the room and down,

and picture me there soon.

Alive, alive! Intruder alert, intruder
alert! And...I hunger? Ah yes, arise
alive, grab a bite and bolt to the car
- let the car drive, please. I just steer,
here. The breaks?

I trust my foot on that
floor. Either pedal at
this hour - light and easy.
But first: get up and get
already, arise, alive etc.
Fix a bite, chew on the
way, arrive, park, swallow
the door - HI! All, order

- anyone for a toast? -
clink (if), imbibe, stand
in and check out 


Who I come to see! Apparently,
'cause you tipped me the hot gossip
on the down-low, and lied.

It's just you! Here, now - what?
- okay, I know. You fished me
by hook, you crook! Or, look
you could be just honest, like
you always said: "Everybody left
when they heard you were coming!"

Sure story.

Well, they can leave, that's cool.
It does get late quick this time
of night doesn't it? Sure, one more
round - yours? Thanks! - then
if you don't mind the false
(or short) time out?

Bed call!


I mean, wait sorry. I meant
- my bed. 

Not yours, I didn't presume 
such. What - ours? A compromising 
situation ethics dilemma call, eh? 

OK, I'll bite. The answer is 
yes, sure: IF you can explain 
where such an ideal location 
of "our bed" exists? You know 
full well that's Schrödinger's 
bed - miles apart! Or if you 
can explain how, simultaneously 

in one place! Yes, sure 

if you can explain the works. 
Okay, agreed to disagree then 
not now. Sleep on it, fight out 
the hypothetical implications 
in the morning? OK then. Drive? 

Sure. I can drive. 


Ok sure. I can do that too, damn. 
I didn't even finish my drink!

Thanks a lot for dragging me 
out, really sincerely. Next 
time, why don't we just 
stay in with so much 
Coke and booze 

they'll look for our bodies 
all over the place, and 
they're we'll be. Stone 
sober, bolt awake
and still trying to work out 

the bed problem of location. 

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