A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Sunday, October 16, 2022

cognition rod

Your toothsome,
pulchritudinous form
voluptuates my cognition rod 
from cool to warm to hot to 
- wait. I don't mean "cognition 
rod" equals dick! If I did, the
next word would be - 


Which it is, but that's
not what cognition rod
means. OK, moving on,
to warm
to hot
to hard, 

- you've got to admit, it does 
kind of sound like that. Leave 
it aside, go back up and start 
over, reading from the top 
and skip this part. Picking up: 

hard! And o my god your 
face! Your hair! You're 
poetry in flesh, stripped
bare - what I mean here 
is a lack of ornament. It's 

literary. Literal, same beans 
in this case. OK, it's literacy.
From "stripped bare": 

- look. Just what the hell is 
a "cognition rod" then, you ask? 
Keep it in your pants, you! This 
is a poem ongoing! From "stripped

...in song of wild empyrean tease, 
that tingles licked extremities. By
lightning, licked, I mean! And tongues
- of flame! A spiritual sort of sport, 
untamed and won, no shame. Begun,
your form incarnates dream so pure.
Pure hot! Pure oh my god galore!  

But spiritual, you know. I mean,
I don't see you the way it seems
at all. 

So what's "cognition rod" then? 

Oh for suck's fake. It's like
...you know how the eye 
has rods and cones in it 
to sense and differentiate 
light? Well, the "cognition 
rod" is a posited analogous 
organ in the mind, which 

you know 

pounds and pounds one 
thought, under certain 
perfectly-normal circum-
-stances. There may in fact
be no "cognition rod." It's 
conjectural, plus a metaphor
- but it sure feels like there

A big one. 

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