A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, October 22, 2021

Pointed purpose

It is neither the purpose
nor the point
of being, going, or any do,
derring or otherwise 

- to find you. 

But you do so find,
so you find gratitude, too.
Relevant questions come
into life.
Their answers are
gleaned in glimpse
and rip, as the veil parts
by stitched degrees, as we press
in best lean and slip.
In perfect-miraculous accurate
fondle and grope, walking always
further through, further into.


The answer parts
by veils and veils,
if the question is relevant
even at all, to you. In life,
in mind, and experienced heart.

The answer can't matter 
except and unless 

It's true

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