A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

a big amount

I want to drink
a big amount of apple juice
or none at all.

This tiny glass 
so far from fills my
likewise eyes and growing
wiselike mind in realization 
huge: in tininess comparison, 
how small such glass gets,
once set down
before throat's want 
(which grows to need we 
contemplate) in hard dilemma 
growing strong in judgment 

But suddenly! 

Solution springs 
to overfill reaction's mills!

RESPONSE is sown and reaped 
and threshed and all the chaff
discards itself, to fill one scale 

of judgment's boom 

as we pronounce:

"Revise, revise! My order 
please. Please bring me 

three of these. No, three more
plus the one you've given me. 
- I surmise that will suffice.

In judgment town
the call went out
from observation's want 
to reason's need,

the three they come
in range of eyes, 
to table set 

in range of reach  

as I await. To lift and toast 
to Fall! Each one 

a big amount 
of apple juice
to contemplate. 

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