A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, October 29, 2021

how often do you think of your own bias?

how often do you think of the feces in the sewers?

Take this as a metaphor 
how biased you are. 
Your bias is extruded 
in your judgmental

It bulges in you 
and pressure grows, 
forcing its way out 
some aperture 

whether you know it
- possibly you do! You are not 
so unawares maybe. Sometimes
you do, and know you do, but

probably you never
inspect it! 

Or take it apart using tweezers 
and jeweler's loupe - which 
I do always. It's in my procedure, 
and no, not you. You simply get
up from where you squat, 

turn (if you are one 
of the fair few who turn 
and inspect the results 
of their biased acts 
at all!) and inspect, 

momentarily pleased 
or puzzled, 

and flush. 

Supposing that works, 
if not - uh-oh! Run for 
the magic witch broomstick 
for plumbing spells! And 
do your anti-incantation 
lunge and yank 

insisting all along, "no, 
not my bias, it must have 
been" anyway. 

It flushes through 
soon enough. A momentary 
unpleasantness to deal with 
foul. Everyone has those. 

And that! 
Is a metaphor 
for sewer-feces!
Dismissed from gleaming 
tiled room, so convenient 
by commode - never 
to rise again, 

a hidden shitty little
metaphor concealed
in fouled pipes,
ever-pushing through 
in next waves of cess 
and excrement, unseen 

by eyes and out of nostril-shot 
(thank God) deliberately kept
buried by the demands of all! Who 
also do not look deeply into 
it, or desire to. 

A subtle metaphor, 
and if I may say so 
an attractive one 
with a starring part:

played by your very own 


I presume 
you get 
the point? 

It's no subtle point really. Kind of 
obvious: bias 
isn't much thought about! 
Like sewage, or 
I could have gone with 
the acid language of ants. 
Also not much thought of, 
except of course:

by ants. 

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