A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Anthropogenic Climate Change

"Anthropogenic Climate Change." It blows my mind,
the controversy. Anthropogenic Climate Change,
if true, is the greatest and best piece of news
that was ever received

by humanity!

If we can impact global temperature -

Wait! To be clear, I think we are. But I want
to believe, so I'd like
to be sure.

All we need is to find, oh,
a dozen of things we can do
to lower the temp (oh, wait!
- we already have) and a dozen more things
that we know do contribute to raise
it up (oh, we already have). After that,
we just study which ones can we use,
most expediently,
and to greatest effect,
in directions we choose.

It will take us some doing. It might
take some time. If some distance inland
in high-value coastal property sinks
under rising tides, while we're studying it?

Still it's nothing compared to the next Cretaceous
- which I warmly assure you, is in store for us!
Or the next ice age - which is equally sure.
In its own good time, the Earth loves extremes
that we'd rather abhor. So to find

we're the ones
who can (actually do!) change
the global outcome - well,
how can this not be great good
news? The best that we've had
since we've been alive!

The people who think we must study
and strive to limit the impact of what we do
are small-minded misanthropes,
nincompoops. Their influence here
will be minuscule. It will not prevail.
When study we must, as study we will,
we'll study for us, and for what we want.

Which is natural.

A couple ice-caps of reasonable size, a poetic procession
of seasons to please our eyes, and our crops, and our real

Anthropogenic Climate Change.

Let no one deny,

it is going to be great!

We will study this thing, when we get around to.
Once a few things sink, they'll find money enough
- but not to curtail our influence! Not
to limit the impact we make! No love, we will study

the means to increase that impact. To direct it
in ways that pay us back, and look lovely to us.

If we do have effect, then we will have control.
If you think that we can't,
you're a lovely fool.
If you think that's a shame,
you've a numb,
numb skull. There is no way to learn
to restrain our effect, without learning also
how to direct it. We will focus our studies,
as always, on things

that are useful and cool,
and your vote will not count
in this climate change:




Steph said...

I once had a fascinating conversation on this topic with a wise friend. It's nice to see the sentiment expressed so poetically.

dogimo said...

Thank you!

I hope I do not repeat myself too much. But it's just such a mind-blower, to me, this whole climate change deal. And they all talk as if it's BAD!

No vision.

As to poetically, thank you again. This one was difficult getting any sort of flow. It feels ungainly still, but it may be I just haven't found the way to read it right. It'll flow all smooth in passages, then try it again and those same places trip while others flow! It might need a little line-break work.