A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, January 28, 2023

trouble walking

I'm not having trouble
exactly - in fact
that's th
e trouble. I find 

I'm walking 
exactly. I 
trot like a hobbit or 
trudge like a drudge, I
ever my way around
like a big sack of sludg
on stilts,
with d
eliberate steps 
in placement I notice
directions so chosen
guessed. And

I get there! 
It works!
But it's way
too conscious a st
step, okay? It hurts
almost but not quit

to recall (muscle memory 
held in light) my eas
of grace, so immersiv
and cool you can't 
notice it - just feel, you fool! 

I notic
ed it. Yeah, 'cause I feel 
it now. The comparison is that 
between why and how. It's like

I forgot 

how to godlike glide. 
aiming my mind
ere I almost am, and my
happens all by itself -
hitch, no intent or design, 
just effortless drift like a bitch 
on the beach. Not awake or asleep, 
just there. Basking daydreams, empty 
of care and full of awareness, suspended 
and lit.
To b

e breeze and the mot

in it.  

To go by b
eing, no try, no do,  
just be within gravity, magnetized 
through by the sensory stream carried
on along and aloft, alight, aliv
e - it's a real 
good f
eel. Not soft. Hard clear intangibl
- gone off.

I id
entify the cause somewhere within
e last ten pounds I picked up, though
any singl
individual pound of them 
- could 
not possibly have blame or fault
to show! I mean look at me. I'm a big, 
e guy. Less svelte than I've been, 
but who car
es? Not I. Yet

ectively, mass has crossed some
e. Impact's increase, infinitesimally 
fine, has shaded past battleship gray
to blu
e, with an ungainly ochre taupe
tinged hue. Just as subtle as a fly 
in gravity's well. It peeps abov
attention's threshold, breaks som
spell of levitation and forward float.  
It's ever so slightly troublesome to
try and do - and succ
eed on my way!

So p
edestrianly. When I know 
I'm a boat   

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