A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

the Blank

If I could have any superpower 
it would be instant familiarity 
memory blank deja-jamais vu
impact field. 

Basically anyone I aim it
I can
just turn it
on blanket -
omnidirectional) instantly 
recognizes me. Or 
they know in an instant, 
they should. They should. 
I am someone they know 
for sure they should 

Now they're the one up 
to no good - for I sure seem 
to recognize them! (I made 
dossiers) (I can't just know 
strangers and names at 
a glance!)

They know, 
they know me
- I'm someone 
supposed to be

They should know.
Inexcusable lapse! They 
can tell - but what's riding 
on it? No idea! That's half 
of the whole dilemma 
I bring! 

Not...famous? Important?
No, no - someone
nearer. Some direct and
forceful influence king. 

Who is it? Anyway. I am
someone supposed to be here!
More than they! They embarrassedly
sense. Someone who it's shameful 
you can't recognize. The whole 
force of social expense/expectation 
is bent upon them to not be found 

Just what the hell my name is. Wrack,
wrack, your mind, flailing on th
spot...or any spike or shard of context 
surely would drag the necessities 
in view. Who IS this guy?

"I KNOW I'm supposed to KNOW" 

me! It's just me, with my social 
dirty trick superpower on max! 

Post-encounter, they'd be like "whew!"
"Got out of it unscathed! They didn't
even realize I forgot their name" 

"...and everything else about 
who the hell was that? Anyway, 
gave 'em what they expected of 
me, got out of it. Tricked 'em
" Smug. Triumphant. 

Like that. 

Like a bandit. 

Of course I don't misuse it. 

While I'm in weaponized
social awkward memory 
blank cloak mode though, 
I'm not actually writing 

to waking memory then.

Dream memory writes
to a different tape that
erases itself if you don't
write it down, tell someone
or otherwise fix it in place, awake.
(the momentaneous experience of me)
write to that tape instead.

So post-encounter, I fade like a dream.
They can't remember specifically: face,
voice, height, race, gender or what I wore,
just size, shape (silhouette) and how I dressed.
An impression at best. Snazzy! 

Nope. Casual. Trust me. Why 
would the Aentity dress up 
for you nonentity slobs? Ha-ha

So I basically go anywhere, that way. 
The only thing I ever have to worry 
about is cameras. I make sure to go 
nondescript, just in case anyone 
compares later. Meanwhile, 
complete strangers are trying to 
placate me! Concealing their gaffe, 
their lack, their lapse 
"in memory," which 
is so unfair! They are not 
mind-controlled, just agreeable 
as a dodge and a trick to get, to dig 
all embarrassed, contrite - who the 
hell am I? Faulting their memory!

I was never there.

If I work it, I pretty much get why
I came. 

Later, they strive to fill the blank, 
and find out or recall why they care. 

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