A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, October 10, 2022

Why I don't do requests.

I do requests! The asks 
that catch so that I leap 
and ricochet off walls, 
come back - to give 

you that. 

I give a lot, in easy 
hard or tricky shot.
I give at once, and
I don't stop. I live 
and love to serve. 

So ask! I'll pop. 
I either do or won't! 
And if I won't - I'll pop 
arrays of alt-ops options 
doable, to same base purpose 
- since you asked. Most askers
find, I cut a suit to fit their deal,

if I can't do exact what's asked,
still I can try to loophole, circle
workaround and hit the spot.

Or if no good, then I won't try. 

So I don't do requests declined,
and then renewed.

For whosoever pushes past decline
must be opposed, right through.
No way. No how. No suit for you.
I either do or won't. 

If asked? A question takes 
decline, and no. Or it was 
not a question - which, 

we find out fast. 

As no one should. Who 
pushes past decline invades, 
presumes, aggresses soft 
but hard, persistent, strong
as if a game? As if this is
or could be how it's played? 

Oh, nah.
You shall not pass.
It shall not stand. 

I must oppose! If only for
the sake of all! These pushers 
roll to persecute. They drive
entitlement right through,
to nudge, to shove, to coax,
to make you do.
To make you

if you do not. 

I say? Hey you!
Knock it off! 
Go pound sand. 

Because so help me me, 
if you do not? I will tell 
you are completely free 
to get off. 

But I'll point at my crotch.

Look. It's just a jocular jibe 
to lighten things up

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