A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, October 07, 2022

Law: the point.

To reach the peeps who can 
be reached. A line is drawn 
and taught. For each
who can't be reached 
by teach? The line
we've drawn draws

It is the best we all can do,
catch-as-catch can, wrong
as wrongdo. Believe or not:

for good and true. 

Yes, some slip through, and 
some are bought, and some 
do foul right in the rig! And 
sometimes this miscarriage 
catch is cracked uplifted in 
our eyes! And we go mad 

for all we lack. 

Sometimes a system fix is found: 
here, there! Spot-weld the system 
rig. Sometimes, no fix - it wasn't 
"it" to blame, just him, just her 
just they. Well, not too big
to bring that home
upon the heads 

Is it? 

As best we all can do, we hired 
it. Now it's our gig, our ride, our 
job. If we're responsible! Or let
it ride, and pay the bull, Most rock
a mix, and call it sucks. Cut glass
in half - and call it full. But I?

I do my part, in whole. I jam 
and thrust as best I might. It makes 
much sense and feeling, but
I can't help feeling, not much

It is as best as I can tell: not quite. 

Just cause, sometimes: just 'cause. 
Well if whoever told you life is fair 
could be believed, we'd fly by 
pixie dust and wear forcefields. 

Not having such, we do real good 
by doing fair and best and such, 
wherever can can catch - what 
can be stood. 

The lines are many, drawn for all?
No. Drawn for each. To save the most
from only few who can't be taught or
reached by teach. They can by grasp
and longish arm, be caught.

And they are few. And weak,
when stood against this all
of you. Of us. Of we the peeps!
That Us verse Them song rings
to chorus in refrain, guitar solo,
and back again: an earworm caught 

by now in brain, to catch as each 
catch can! 

To honor each
in keep or breach 
as each own does, or call
the help, or run
from it,
it works.
It rings as many bells
in catchy cage - it fits. As best
as we can do ourselves, and
better yet by far than any

manage, act
and stage by do and do alone. 

Before the law, stood equally,
beyond, between high dotty line 
of law: we range all, peopley.
To freedom's heights and depths,
with full-on government impunity,
by bone and gut and many sighs,
we live the size of liberty.

Seek happiness,
and you will find just
what you get.  

For life's not fair. Fair is 
a thing we make-believe 
and then apply: made real.

Right there. 


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