A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

unrealistic candles

no game

wax sex
and nudity, 
to burn in

that smell
like us

Available blood,
red, phlegm,
green or semen
white, or bile 
black no shit
brown tone or
yellow, no.

You see we
bought those up
as jokes, and sent 
them back. Too 
vulgar. Gross

What gift was this? 
For whose surprise? 
A light so wavered, 
fainting bright in
falling size, in 
melting sighs.
Who flesh and blood 
in spirit breathes
by life burnt-in
enough to grieve, 
when it leaves
human being holes
shaped perfectly

Shot through your heart

your soul.  

Too much
to buy? 

light only one

or rows,
on rows

let's stand
revealed in
deepest clothes
of sunset rose
on sunrise hay,
or strip and beat 
our naked skins,
'til punishment 
seems just.

to us. 

It's much
to see. Too much 
to seek alone, 
what two can't 
find or be. But

I won't mind 
if you don't care
for me. Forgive us
please. We've had
to flee.

So keep it well
within, and kind.
Slept rough, wept openly!
Leap out and cheer, since
now it's true! 

We've only death
too far to mourn, as life
grows piece by missing parts
of you: so near, and much
too much, too dear to
fear bad luck and fate. 

Not here. This little candle's spent
a crumpled, drowning wick.
We've come too late. So 
make and mark our time 
with summer's iced intent.
Beyond no end is serious. 

It had to be in each of us.

This was no game
to form them up!
So let them shine
in token trust. 

In flame, we'll burn 
by light we loved, oh! 
Too much


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