A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Thursday, July 04, 2024

America Duty

America! Is the land of milk 
and honey, you're the cream. 
Let's tie you up, on a pedestal
the better to be seen.
Around the world! They
will cry your name, and
face the sun: a
 blaze of red! 

Dying in the west. 

And all the world is so happy now, 
the change has surely come. 
America! We can't do without 
the thing you have become.
So hoist the flag! Run it up the pole, 
and let it fly so pure and white! 

You know that it was bleached.

We all want a part of your progress
We all want a part of your hope
I guess you can have your American
Way, with the globe.

America! Eat some fireworks and dogs,
whatever's due. It's time to come,
so accountable and right and just and true. 
So sound the bell! Let it toll and roll
thunderclap skies so dark and blue! 

It cracked the dead of night. 

Tomorrow, we could all get along: 
the living and the dead. America, 
we could do without your godforsaken 
bed of endless sighs, scaling up in size 
to scare off peace, endless blood feuds 

to reap fields of release. 

It's Captain A! Batman, LexCorp
too the world has come to love.
It's Mickey Mouse, operational 
to reap where we can't shove
with woke rewards, reparations
bought, sued, tried and tied
make so much green!

We might as well have lied. 

Let's kill the Hulks, Blobs
and Gojiras before they grow 
so mad! Their human fans 
eat their genitals, oh no,
so sad. too bad.

For all the rest?

Why not wash a load of finest clothes 
and see what's cute? Enough to hit the beach 
without shelling it, pounding it into flying
body parts and submission generations
ago for once 


you know 

just to be safe

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