A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

her evil bidding

Marie was a witchdoctor, and
I was her assistant.
I was a witchnurse.

Marie said get yourself down to the bayou,
root around, pick me up some of them
newts and herbs

She said get every right one on this list
if there's anything missing I'll turn you into it
myself. And I ran

like hell

to do her evil bidding.
Said I ran like hell
to do her evil bidding.

See I'd answered an ad on Craig's list
it said experienced professional
seeks willing stooge.

And I had to take a course or two
to get my certificate,
but it was easy.

I had the knack.

She treats me like a flunky or underling
but mine is actually an honored profession.

And I run

like hell

to do her evil bidding.
Said I run like hell
to do her evil bidding.

Now Marie is the most prestigious and respected
witchdoctor in her whole HMO

People come crawling from miles around
they hold her in great fear and reverence
and she gives them a potion.

I said Marie can be kind of a pill sometimes,
but she always makes herself very clear

And I run

like hell

to do her evil bidding.
Said I run like hell
to do her evil bidding.

New let me tell you a story 'bout what happened
to me and Marie.

She kissed me
and I mounted a successful sexual harassment case,
because it was wrong.

I miss her sometimes. I'm a frog now,
and they burned her at the stake over it
- not over turning me into a frog, that's allowed
but the kiss, though. That was inappropriate conduct.

I feel pretty guilty how it turned out, understand
I wish she would call from beyond the grave,
tell me if there's anything I can do now.

And I would run

like hell

to do her evil bidding.
Said I'd run like hell
to do her evil bidding

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