A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, February 28, 2020

biggest builder

No one is safe from
the country's biggest builder
of homes. Whole tracts laid bare
of any non-ornamental trees,
non-decorative water or other
features - all this land
and more the environment stupidly
wasn't using - homes! Where there
used to be a wasteland! Homes
on top of older homes, even:
insufficiently built-upon
and maximized. Vertical real
estate, airspace to be taxed
and deeded, bought and sold
to rent or own, used and new. We
are sending out trucks, surveyors
and architects to sketch and plot,
spot opportunity, speculate and lay
wise bets, in a word: to improve. Hammers
and ladders and nails, oh my power tools
and grim, cheerful worksong-singing men
(and women!) in rough-hewn coveralls
to cover all the spaces with substance
and detail, to touch-up, back
and fill, lay floorboards and pipe
underneath and on top, to carry water
all over the house, plus wires
for the houselightning. That plus sand,
polish and finely-grain the wood (both
true and false) to a gleam, as a service

to you,
we will

fine-tune away all questions
and objections your neighborhood
or municipal board will be happy
to be paid not to have, and together
- for all we get out of it is
a huge booming business, you get homes!
- we will shape together the future
of where you'll lay your head
to sleep, and fuck and shit and eat
all in the same place. A future
of gigantic hovels or teensy-tidy
minimansions jammed and crammed
cheeky-jowly in the coziest
and most modern possible way,
on top of what used to be
not homes


Mel said...

Other animals lose their homes see we can have ours.

dogimo said...

Did it come across as exultant? The poem was intended to have an air of unstoppable horror to it.

A not uncommon failing of mine. My satire and social critique can fall flat as too exultant.

Mel said...

No, it doesn’t come across as exultant. The vibe was exactly what you wanted. I really felt your point. Well executed.

dogimo said...

Oh, sweet. Thank you!

I never can quite tell how a thing I did comes across.

The fact that I mean well is no excuse. I am capable of meaning WAY TOO WELL for that one to fly!

Mel said...

My pleasure.