A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

the good ones

I lack the easy contempt
some have, most seem
to have, for humanity.

I've known a few too well
from each despised, disparaged
category. I have known their hearts

- a touch or two
is all it takes - too much

to fault and froth
and hate wherever minds

have disagreed. Our hearts
are soft, perhaps, with those
we know. And so, as far as I can tell,
have theirs all been

with me.

They say I'm "one
of the good ones," damn,

okay but I'm not even one

of the ones!

You were just blasting some
I know
are better than
you know. You see,
from what they've said
and done, I know a few

- "the good ones," as you say.
Some better ones than you,
you know, but I
am worse than they.

For I will disagree
with them. And they will think

I'm one of you.

They make exception
in my case, but not for you
- just as you make
exception in my case,
but not for them.

It is a senseless

At least we can agree

that you and I
are not so bad
as others see.

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