A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

good and good-looking

You look good. Check
a reflection for a second. There they are
! Those eyes. That nose and mouth, and all the
features between and around, a stage
across and upon which play the expressions
of feeling that pack your say
with punch, and your punch
with say. Your voice with
tone, and your listen
as well. With surprise
when your brows
lift your eyes wide,
or when you've got
a hunch, and your brow
goes quizzical. And when
you beam, or laugh - the effect
is like a reprieve
from everything bad,
and a summons to a feast
more than physical. Every way
you make yourself look -
undeliberately, one assumes
- by means of the life
and the views and the mood
you make and have made in yourself, which
people you know have learned
to associate with you.

And then they do.
And every time they do, you
bring a feeling rushing back: the world,
and what it's like to have you in it.
A lot to wear, and it's barely
even worn, so lightly you bear it
- a lot to bear, but you have been born
to begin it
in each person you meet,
increasing their knowing
and the way they care,
you continue to give
what they're getting
of you, you look good

for any to see, with eyes
or just soul. You are
good-looking, and good to see,
and good. I wish sometimes you could see
yourself with these eyes of mine. You would drive
you wild, you would raise you up high,
effortlessly - not even a goal!
It wouldn't be, just an uncontrolled
effect, which all who have known you

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