A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

"The Natural Thing"

All this 'let it happen naturally' is the
hardest thing for me, I've ever done 
in my life. But still we made it - did it, 
didn't we? Waited 'til the fates agree.
We don't have to do that bull shit twice.
We are gone through all the courses,
of obstacles and forces, 
this courtship's 
come in.

Let's never do that again. 

I wanna be straight with you, woman. 
Woman, that's only natural, woman. 
Woman? You make it so easy, too! 
Come on! Come on...too strong.

I'm sorry, you do. 

I'm going to be straight with you, 
woman! Woman, 'cause I am unwavering, 
woman. Woman: you make me implacable, 
woman. Come on? Let's do the natural thing,
'cause if we mean it to be? 

It's meant to be.

I've dealt in certainty. Ever since: you kissed me back. 
I've almost married you, a hundred times, behind 
your back with just three thousand vows, that I have 
kept, that you never heard! 

Don't tell me that's rushing in.
We're no fools. Don't be absurd: 

You've always been straight with me, woman. 
Woman? We're only natural, woman. Come 
on and on, you make it too easy: two. 
Come on! Come on, too stronger and strong,
every time that you do, I have to be straight 
with you, woman? 


'Cause I am unwavering, 
woman. Woman. You made me 
implacable, woman. Come on! 
Let's do the natural thing,
so supernaturally?

We're free.

So yeah I'm tumble-tongued, language-lost,
make up the words. Only all of them...
can't explain. I'm digging myself,
even deeper in, and covered 
in all of this dirt. Well?  

Can't excavate what's 
in the stars, but to try 
wouldn't hurt. 

Let's always be straight 
with you. 

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