A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, June 03, 2024

"stereotypical god"

She wants to know
What good it's going 
To "do me."

With all of this un
-happiness around me?
When all it seems
To do is make me happy...

I said I don't know. 
Wondering how she knows.

She said "How can you
To that

How can you
Say that you 
Can't do what
Ever! You! Want?

How can you pray to that stereotypical god?" 
But it gets me through.You know it gets 



Me and God! We got an understanding.
Said me and God? We got an understanding. 
God just gives me every thing I ask for.
And I don't ask for much!

Just, a little

Aw, no she said 
she said "How! 
Can you pray? 
To that stereotypical 


How can you 
Say that you can't 
Do whatever 
Want...? Awe, how
Can you pray to that 
Stereo! Typical! 


But It gets me through
You know, It gets me 

I hate to think of how I must 
Just hurt her. She says she
Likes it rough, and hard
To work for. I think

She's got a complex 
From her

I'm simplicity. 
Relative and free.
'Bout as fair as life.
Every thing to me.

"Aw, no awe, no way no how, oh 
Please," she said: "How can you
Pray to that stereotypical god?" 
"How can you say that you can't
Do whatever you want?"

"How? Can you pray to that stereo-


Did it get you through? 
You know. 

It gets me through

And through and through,


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