A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

"Hot Off The Press"

"H0T 0ff The Press" by Voltage (MC)/edgewise(mc)
going off under the epithet: MC/DC

Tape hiss quits in two, uno one up down sit: 

Turn that shit off.

If I 
hear that
song again, I'll
put your silly speakers 
outside where they belong, and
then I'll head out the door.

I can't help but yawn! The rhyme is getting
wilted and the rhythm is gone. Who needs
Sominex or staying up counting sheep, when
that white noise memory track is complete
you will be so far from sweet sweet sleep
you'll take prayers, thoughts, any damn
thing just to keep from nightmares!

Turn it up, would you though? Press pause stop click 
fast back and erase, pop the tape from the master deck's
listing shores, and just roll 'em off side. Chase them straight
out the door, no glasses, no bribes like that outfit you wore
to the toilet store! Walked strut like a chump buck naked 
you he, he, whore up in the mirror room counting the leers!  

Who needs alcohol when you can't hang with the peers.
Who needs laying in and rocking rolls 'til she snored?
'Cause your drilly bit's annoying and you can't make it bore!
When they could? Just turn your back, mister dee-jay man. 
I know you fished that song from way way back in the can,
but can't you Kant yourself cunningly up from that tarp?

The tape, the CD disc, the eight track. It's a lark, I know
you only flipped the b-side off to prove boss. Well, the Crickets
won't be staging a comeback, hoss. And?

I think you expired.

It's your way to be, Boomer 'Sighin' some Esiason
'cause Bruce had the Lee so way way way black 
white purple and gold, he had to make up new hues 
so the truth could pop hold! It's uh uh Tarantino shit. 
Out of date. Don't you know? It should be retired, for
good and all, though. These are maggots. Not "ear worms"
you find creeping your buds. Shove a fly inside your genes
and bite a radio active scuzz ball named Huge Jack Ass,

man! Puh huh puh huh huh humid beat box is

But still. If you think my kung fu is so bad, why not
cash the check your moth wrote in your clothes for Sears
to shit on in entirely J.C. pennies? Check!

Check, please. For I don't come except correct, and
when I screech to the station I'll retrieve that burnt debris
and straight proceed to the straight basement where straight 
up, all my straight bro hos are waiting! To give me a banging 
that I'll never be hating 'cause my prostate's sore! Anyhow, 

the doctor said "So?" 

The tower roots hard! The signal breaks slow!

No white noise jazz. I'm Chucking Converse All Stars! 
I look like the kid who sold Venus in bars so full of gaiety 
they still can't shoot rough! I'm straight out of the pool. 
And I can't swim. Tough! So I like to drown, how. Who 
wouldn't, in such straitened lacey loo drawers as these 
JAMS I slam both eggs in so hard you'd abhor! Uh...

My lobster eats starfish for lunch. You like 'podes? 
'Cause octopusses would be running worlds, you know 
except they live like gay dogs in the wildest seas, living 
only three four years tops. Top tier! Right up next to some 
squid, calamari house style. Straight straight to the straight
straight straight house straight! I like men to chase men 
from a quarter to eight, dressed in loud outfits like they 
had a right! Busting ribs, eye sockets and with all of 
the might they display puissance. That's the might of arms! 

Yeah, it's French. So go so me, boy. Sue's got charms. 
This is mad whack ass straight iron hard material like
uh like uh PUH HUH-HUH-HUH HUH WHAT? A beast!
To the boys! I choise chores so flushy stank they make 
noise when I rest from the room, the whole world smells
Rose. She kissed me on the head just to blow her own 
nose, okay? It's nothing bad, just a personal touch.  

Nothing but the worst stank funk you can't pus! PUS
UP THE BIN, resurrect it on speed like a sterioidal  

Uh huh! Ow!

You know that right. Smarts? You got it now, how you
like like a punk not to rock and bite your damn lip. Now

It's time to begin! Buckle up under ship and just row, 
row, home dear miss barnacles! BOW! It's a freak in KEEL 
HAUL that your booty said "blau." Frau Farbissimus 
got all the trust and flet to Detroit. 

Are you catching what you're wishing for? 

That's how it oit! Go blow! Wind yourself like a class
less lass, that's the WIND LASS, boy! Super-heroine class!
She's got no taste at all 'cause her tongue's made of wings.
When she breathes it drowned your crew. When she strips? 

They can't sing, 'cause it's me up in the hold, streaking greasy
Greek sweat like the flop Supes took to the Green, I bet. To the 
Hulk got wet! To the big Shazot-BOLT crowing creeps like you 
and Elvis tried to separate holt! 

What or who the heck is "holt"? Holt, holt holt tup a min it's 
tupperware time. SALES GIRL! Do you have a hot marital 
aid for the world? Sure, it's called the double ding dong mic 
drop, full. 

Now go and save the world from their kids. 

It's called school. Running clinics just like Quincy 
with nose for the biz! I don't M.D. disconnect, just
correct your dumb jizz from the gelatin mold. You get?
Lime Hell-O! Pop a lot of it in popsicle molds. 

Now press...go, but slow. 'Cause I'm interpretive
as heck, just you cock, your eye, right, just. So? 

I am in your whys flies like a thousand Church doors 
going boom in the dark! From the left to plumb stuck
I pitch forks in the park!  

This is hot of the press, beb. Ya dig? Nah
who would 


Don't push your red truck
up Canadian hoods, until the hill
they call Mount Royal has a bill
to the back, front ball cap Expo
at Will. Once your sissy feeling
neck stretch browns to deep tan, 
you will know you never met
let alone knew the man.  

So how can you be, then man?

Pretty good? 

OK. I suspect you like fireworks. Punk? 
Yeah. Here. Light just the tip. Smells 
like Church alla sudden up in this 
non mary jah wanna joint. Huh huh! 
Huh huh! 

That's a prison break. North? 

Nah, that's sirens. Call it, Trump!
Not Trump 2, that's a dork. Nor
The Don, no, no criminal feint.
No self-marked, up confidence 
down-trust man to pants Stark
call him "Anthony Jones," pulse
his wad to play saint, no deckard 
in the bots, no French suits, no it ain't
no insanity plaw, no claws in that steal. 

No girl in ninja BOOTS 


Naw, naw. It sure did look like...her
from the back, but now the whole view
from back here's gone "pear shaped."

As they don't say to her face, yo. Pity!

Aw, shawl why not. Shawl yourself,
getting grim down north up south steady
ready for the straw fall man's dork, reading
big Moby Dick from the Melville Tomb!

Drop a Nemo on his shit. 

We just caught the broom. Got a fuse?

Get lit. Got a cig? Drive a nail.

For the nail that juts out shall get pounded in hail, 
trussed clean in one buzz saw steel wheeled tour
for the man who told you bet between Poncho's 
Gal: Ore. 

duh doo doo doo doo DUH DUMB DOO DOO
doo doo dood doo DUH DUMB DOO DOO UH!

Wonder, Woman! 

Wonder, Woman! 

All the world is hating on you! 
For your Greek Enchantress lens! 
Why, you look so woke! 
Why you give us hope?

Why's Obama your best friend? Friend? Friend? Friend!



Wrap it in a chicken paper and call the Deep Friar for further 
and oilier black-gold strike anywhere locations, please. Chime
in! Chime in on two, one, zero, negative one, go, screw, nail, coffin,
time, coconut Coke floating lemon and lime, crack shit, hack, spit,
phlegm! COUGH. Hey, Zeus? 

You ain't never been a man. 
Why'd you rape your own goose? 



Round Two Up in 3.  

Only kidding. That was uh like 
share round...five? Call it. 
