A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, April 05, 2021

when people say "I'm coming"

When people say 
"I'm coming!" It's 
no time for flip 

are trying to reassure 

They are telling you 
you're worth the trip, they're 
almost there.
Hang on 
a bit.
a wonderful 
ride they're on, and 
soon enough! 

You'll see. So let's have
of your flip lip disservice
to the moment or sentiment,
son or hon. No "Oh, so glad 
you came!" "How good 
of you to come!" NO 


it's good! Of them. 
To come, I mean.
It's good for them,
and you as well, so knock
it off already. Chill. That cheery 
naïve seeming sarcasm done
straight sincere as anti-ironic
subversion trope went out
with the eighties, and you're
not bringing it back! For
encores in this context,

on such slim, albeit glorious

They're telling you 
they're almost there. 
Can't say some nice? 
Then shut hell up, 
or go to hell, 

or some third thing. 
Just improvise. You 
always do, you perverse 
streaking impish chief 
of mischief-impudence 
you bring. For once, 

no larks, no japes 
no toms no dicks 
or fooleries or bombs,
that advertised as duds, 
fun pranks for parties 

go off 

killing everybody

"I'm coming"

It's not to say
you have to reorder
and clear up the whole
immediate environment
right now. Right now, 
it's just to say get 

ready. It's 
about to happen. It's 
about to happen. It's 
about to come on, 
and you'll be where
you are, right there
ready for it, ready 
for it ready. It 

was a courtesy call, 
as a courtesy 
to let you know. 

This is promise, hope 
devoutly wish't and 
consequence of you 

coming true right
now not
now not

But here. 

And worth the trip,
she's telling you 
(he's telling you) 
(I don't know which,
that's up to you, it's
not my call). He who
she they is telling


I'm off the fence.

I'm all for you. 
It's coming true. 

Or almost - off
the fence, not yet,
so close, so far so stay
so stick, stand fast,
carefree and reassured
it's coming true? 

I'm telling you, 
prepare, prepare! 
Await my coming 
as foretold,

and that's what they
are telling you. And
afterwards, feel free.
To scoff. To lark. 
To jape, ride raillery
and repartee to 

By then, all good. 
Arrival's made. 

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