A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, April 16, 2021

o Solitude ((Boredom report nothing)) to update)

Oh! Solitude. 

Solitude never bothered me.
I remember a very few years
back casting my mind back all
over childhood in a survey and
reflecting that it's quite possible

I was never bored.

I would invoke the term, I recall.
Of course I did, sense from context,
surely I have the full Crayola set
others color with. I applied bored
to me in retrospect, or even in-moment
like a shade I couldn't decide between
burnt umber and peach (once or since
"skin" I believe). I smacked that emo
label on in what I saw as "done as unto
others do it," but

I don't think I really was.
Mood misequation. I was something else,
but I forget what I eventually settled on.
It's...ah!! Gone, lost it.

Not bored though. Boredom, alienating
as it ostensibly is, appears to be alien
- at least, if I apply seriously the most
searching and telling terse spiked-punch
-packed portraits and candid holiday snaps
of boredom the world's best artistic spirits
and detached minds plus most vulgar
and truth-hewn beast mode observors
and fidelity-itself naïve bang-on jibber-
jab prodigies (hi!) depict of it. If 

that's it, that's Boredom, I never met 
him. And I certainly never met her. 
As Idealized Capitalized-upon 
Personifications of human mood go,
I suppose Boredom could be 
omnisexual - with the caveat proviso
that there's nothing androgynous 
about it! Anyway, if I see it in 
the road, I'll ask.     

Solitude is A-OK!
It's kind of wild and cool

It digresses, and it falls to us 
to forge, uplift and ken that raw ore 
in the hot hard crucible of aware
unawares to the oft-drawn and prettily 
slash-glitter-flash-danced through 
the air as its handler hangs on in
swung pirouette, a flourish of  
exaltexult glory mode (practice
setting): the Sword of Tangency
reborn, reforged, revealed! Destiny
never saw it coming! WAIT  


TED! My ole buddy, where's 
your gimmicky drawers these days! Say, 
lower voice. Less hale-fellow me hearty 
than we got a problem I feel bad about 

boredom situation yawns 
to crisis. Ted "I agree it's 
emergent." BOTH: 


Now the real fun begins 
to pall 
some? No 

it doesn't. False alarm
and again 

around something so proclamation 

really ought to set in at some point, but
you know. No rush! I'm present 
for it anytime it shows 
me up, and I reckon 
that lesson 

will both take
and award the cup. In fact, 

better get your toasts ready 
fellas and fellasses, lasses
and lads and lahs. It's gonna be 

a deep one. One of those 
where the "hmmmm" keeps going 
as you drink, a peculiar note 
of vibration to the sensory 
sensually downpouring in. "Here's! 

I about YELL. "To BOREDOM." 

Long meaningless pause. 


shocked indignation from the table 
at the tone botch, followed by 
grinning suspicion 

it was deliberate, and 
cantaloupe watermelon 
growing approvalsome 
murmurs distinctivate 
into a general 'here here,

'hear hear'

Ok. Plan E, call it. I forget the first
five, so
- here's hoping this one

I seem to lack a certain
impatience. Is the quivering root 
of it? I keep not expecting 
anything. So remain 
in perpetual state 
of potential agog 
wonder punctuated 
by actual curiosity 
IS IT YOU? Crap. 

Nope. It's Ted again. 
That Ted's a prank-minded 
Capitilizing Personification 
cosplay asshole on hope-core 
sincerity mode next level 
sarcasm sometimes, and 

if you ask me, he should 
go on the internet and give a Talk 
or something. It might help him
it might even help me purgatory. 
or dare I tease heaven 

Even in heaven I suspect 
and reckon, I bet 
I shall be forever 
unbowed, unbored 
and unscored. 

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