A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, April 16, 2021

compassion: a nihilist epiphany (recursive)

Life is a pleasurable ego purgatory. Well, dang.
There's also a shit ton of suffering around,

of course there is, but
of course there is! I do not wish

to harm another. Let alone by blithe
naïve simplicity grown jaunty in a sudden
apprehension of joy, as it does. Nor is it
my single-minded and determined, driven
ambition to seem to be or indeed be cruel
but, doesn't it always seem like the people 
who are suffering around are kind of missing 
the point?

Look. That's no callous pot-shot jeer or victim 
blame play. Call up a Buddhist and ask THAT 

tending-towards enlightened one! Heezy or sheezy 
so compassionate nihilist in tone and mode, or
the next most tantamount thing, they'll tell you:
Suffering's? BULL shit, bruh. DON'T.

And if you find that sound (it is), and brave
why to ask how they're so wise about it,
they'll lay out a claptrap jibber-jab conceptual
mobile sculpture art piece about attachment
that'll leave you reeling. 

I don't want to spoil the moment for you, 
but the worst thing for your ego just then 
will be the gripping realization that it's not
just all bullshit. Then you'll have to deal 
with that part. It won't be easy, so much 
as simple! HARD SIMPLICITY. The rude 
way up the mountain, and fuck down. 

You'll be on the path again, reeling on swerve
all the way back to me and apologize. Joe
man, no. YOU weren't the asshole
with that observation on suffering's 
point-missignessitivity. It's a classic either/or
duality/dichotomy, and I discovered this
by the light of a contemplative Buddhist.

("Of course you did," my wry, disaffected 
and conspicuously unattached mind not so 
much observes and is long become aware 
of) And undaunted by my inner twinkle
and glimmer atcha, you resume: 
Either you're right and that's just an unjudgmental 
objective eye-shot, or the Buddhist is enlightened 
- and you are also right. Because that's what 
suffering's missing point betokens: attachment. 
HIS deal - or hers. The Buddhist's. So - that 
grasped, and
with I mean clarity, limpidity, 
lucidity and a fat density of finest
available-scale granularity in
accurate correspondence to reality? 

You basically can tell. 

Yeah. Yeah we can. I forgive you 
gratuitously in a superabundance 
grace move, now knock it off 
on the obvious. Don't sever 
your attachment to the obvious, just 

ease off on it a little. Own it, go 
"huh" and let go letting it be it 
and you be you, that meta-ass 
postmodern inner-wifty woo woo 
rigmarole is so Old Age it has 
that distinctive smell. 

We can all pretty much agree I wasn't 
BEING an "ass hole" when I popped 
that shot from heart's-bottom smack 
ricochet off head-top to somersault 
bwong-springboard dive trippingly 
turningly from the tip 

of the tongue 


into the pool of conscious icity, 
which some call isness, but I 
prefer to simply give the business

and use real words, please. Such as 
GROW and UP. Good, just advice 
for one still growing! 

Are you? If so then ya know 
and I don't have to tell you. 

When I said that up there, I was being 
just being and no fooling. Now
that we see 
I'm basically
in accord with other authorities
more respected as cool wisdom
merchants and devotees, I can 
pretty much dismiss such miscreant 
miscast aspersions with a hale, hearty: 

Fuck off with your damn askance 
eye, brother.

We all make do down here, believe 
me. And


well, that's more the Buddhist's deal. 
My deal's more like I said, but add
a certain tantamouncy of 
cock-shot straight 
to the nearest knee 

if you have the right cocked disdain 
sneer for attachment, there is no want 
involved in that. 

Only kneed. Just 
cause, I reckon. 

I, me, kneed 
perchance to reconsider my suffering 
stance, sinking to knees of my own. 

Meekness has its ways in, even 
to hearts grown bold in knowing good 
beautifully true, and revolving 
suspended in it. Meekness? 

Yeah. Call it a hard compromise 
between getting one's wont 
and kneed, just once. 

Where you bet it counts. 

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