A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Brag tips on comparative smarts, for whosoever might really need 'em

I hate it when people imply
they are smarter than I. 
If agreement they seek, 
they should state it flat-out! 
I can't see the cause to flirt so, 
to play so coy, to imply 
that you are smarter 
than I.

Yet to be bold. 

To come out in brass-fit 
gold-chased silver-tongued 
array and lay it on me "HEY!" 

and pause. Indefinitely, since
I rarely look around for that. Try 
"NO!" I may mistake it for "JOE!"
if you muffle your voice, OR 
I may simply wheel at the sign 
of protest - the danger warning
of what must stop! Or if it won't,

then what must be stopped. Or,
it could also go, naturally. Free 
to go! But it shall not STAND 

and you shall not PASS it. Nor
suffer it, not on your watch 
and screw your mood. This 
kind of "NO!"-yell stimulus 
is not mood-cued or mood-


you are one trivial noer. And that
is something I shall not know, 
unless I get it from you. 

So yeah

probably avoid that crap. Bad look.
Otherwise, just declare your own intellect
superior! What am I, going to dispute 


Be bold if you wish such bold accord 
as my smiling hard-nod acknowledgement 
of your sheer brass, golden core and shining
silver say-so. 

Or, you know. Hint and wink and nudge 
about it, but uh...that's pure dumb-style, 
and it shows. If you knew better you'd 

Don't hint such brag. Pop a wheelie 
over a score of cars from your ramped
up tongue aiming to stick a back-wheel
landing and not wipe out! Dare it out 
launched square & fair! See how far 
will get you there! Hint brag is for 

uncunning whelps and pikers. 

Don't hint brag. Declare it, and 
better yet then: show. 

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