A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

worst nightmare ride

The bedroom is drifting away
in the night, I feel gravity
going. Weird color and light
begin opening up
as before. Even though
I'll forget the transition
in time to wake up,
I am sure

this threshold
is like going home.

Going scary
this time, I sense
I am not
and may never have
been alone.

So let go, then
let's go
I'll be fine. Let it wild
let it roam, let the nightmare
stampede, no the nightmare
brigade, no
the nightmare armada,
the nightmare
parade, spring loose
in my mind, except
it's more
like a nightmare
museum these days. A greatish
hits exhibit of all one's
worst dreams, pressed dead into
frames to fail to amaze,

oh, yeah that

was creepy, I sure do
remember that one. Don't worry
it's not you - the abyss
yawns also, oh
quite a display.

My subconscious mind,
has given up
on scaring me.

And has completely succumbed
to nostalgia. These creeps
and figures don't even
try to inspire dread. It's like
they're costumed college kids
in some terror-themed amusement park,
lurching and tromping out from the wings
calling out for hugs and selfies

my god
what a nightmare

if this keeps up, I dunno
maybe I'll have
to figure out some way
to terrify, brutalize and traumatize
my subconscious into some kind of
less half-ass action? Whatever
they have down there - ego elves?
Iddy biddies? If this keeps up,
I'ma go in a dream and break
the floor open, dive down
and give the whole thing a kick
in the butts, nuts and a great
boxing of ears

Because nobody's got time for this
You're trying to sleep
if you're going to put a nightmare on
there needs to be some more quality

otherwise just
send me to the beach!

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