A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

critical commentary (excerpt)

Secondly, you more deeply and possibly
with as little to argue over, somehow
assume that a universe has been brought
somehow into existence to house such things,
somehow. Three somehows
in one assumption
might be a clue that you reach. Too far? No,
go on with that and let's see where. Mortal
or immortal as your question may prove, I don’t
need to point out to you
how inconvenient it will be
if this basic assumption of yours
is shown up as false. It may be dissimulating,
but the game theory permutation
is gaining fast among hopeful enthusiasts,
self-A.I.dentifiers - do you really want
to pick this fight? Jury’s out, probably
for a long lunch indeed, but a fistfight
in an empty courtroom on an empty stomach,
between ornery combatants who can’t even
agree on a singularity, is a breach
of protocol to say the least.
Lose a point here: you may be right
in the end, but cornering the opponent
between rounds for a haymaker - even swung
hard and overhand right, with a big sock
in the glove (who are you trying to sway,
wadding up empty stockings hoping to overplay
such a delicate hand? At least wash the thing
first! There must’ve been coal in it
none too recently, to judge by the smell) - let’s
just say, you may get away with it
since the judge(s) unquestionably
must’ve taken a powder by now, and thus
missed the telling blow, but if you can’t
convincingly prop the opponent
back up and start whistling innocently
before everyone comes back for round two, how
will his swoon be interpreted? Sudden man-crush?
Please. Okay, call it a tie.

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