A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, January 01, 2024

Avast the lonely albatross

Avast the lonely albatross 
has took to skimming just above 
the cresting chop 
for miles and miles 

he has a death-wish, yes 
he does. 

or butt your stupid nose 
out, pal! He might just 

love an accidental swim? 
Somehow, and
to practice
and perfect 
that low-down glide
that he gets in, 
with nary a flap
or tilt of wing 
for miles and miles
of salty time, 

so what the heck?

That albatross: no lonely bird!
He does it: fine. 

For lonely is not solitude. 
And solitude 

takes practice, see?
Slung just above the icy waves
by ancient rime for miles and days 

For lonely keeps old company 
with missed and gone, forevermore 
- and often treats its guesting ghosts 
so bitterly, so rude. With not a drop 

of gratitude 

to break the surface, plumb 
the depths or lilt another inch 
above the crashing roar

No need of why. 

To play with it, awhile, since 

we've got to fly 

the shore


dogimo said...

Some birds just like to dip under the radar, maybe!

No need to assume the saddest and worst, most pitiable interpretation about a grand sea bird - why? Just to make oneself feel better by comparison with one's own imagined, projected, assigned-to-others bummers?

Well, maybe not that. Could be something less pathetic!

dogimo said...

New thing in 2024. Partly as a trick to trim/edit, partly as a GOOSE to conversation (which has long flagged sadly since I abandoned this place, ages ago), I propose to redact less-than-top material, musings and commentary from within the poem - and reposition these things as "comments" UNDER the poem! Why not?

It's a tad dastardly, I warrant, but I hold myself free to do it in this place. Might make the pruning and tuning a bit more keyed-in.