A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Whoever laughs

Whoever laughs 
has abandoned rationality
and exposed themselves low.
Base. Animal. Puny, like
a laughing ant. A laughing dog,
or bird, or bird-dog. A mere beast 

making vain and meaningless vocalizations
- like there's something funny about being
in thrall to the diaphragm and lungs shot
through in spasms by some wrong-ass
dumb-ass absurd-ass stimulus from
a mind childishly (like an animal
- immature) surprised, delighted
by stupid, naughty or expectation juked
and suddenly in startled need of dumb relief.

Laugh then! 

Serious people disgust themselves 
at the sound and especially repulsive sight 
of such spectacle and paroxysm.

there is no need to laugh. No reason 
either. Animals laugh. Elephants. 
Sharks. Dinosaurs. It wiped them out 
when that meteor came swooping in all
huge. They were like "Oh, that's so WRONG" 
- and: "It's funny because it's true!" and so died
laughing, is my theory. NO. 

It's true that it ISN'T funny,
that's what's true! It's just that you 

like an animal you are 

stupid, ignorant, insecure and vulnerable,
poorly-suited to your environment 
and unsure what this niche of yours
even wants from you, and so like 
the overconfident, boasting braggart
you are, flourishing yourself in vain display
like a cockatoo you laugh it off! Every time

you laugh 

you laugh it off.
You try. You try to lift off
all that innate biological terror and mortal 
threat and cast it from you. Hooting and snorting!
Cackling and gasping like the legendary banshee,
gurgling inarticulately and barking your way
to a flushed finish, relief hormonal at best.
Suffusing yourself with an artificial
all-is-well-being prank. "Joke's
over," you sniff and grin, wiping
your eyes. "I can take it." Nonsense. 

When you laugh, you are the joke. 

A rational being 
would be perfect, absolute in rationality 
in logic consequence of everything, and 
would not find it funny. Be more rational 


Don't lower yourself to some laughable 
beast, slave to the bone to some shit 
you think is so funny you can't explain. 
"It ruins the joke if you explain it" you say. 
NO. It exposes that humor is logically void 
of anything but incongruity! Especially
pattern-recognition error correction, wherein 
we suddenly see to substitute the correct
pattern for the previous incorrect one! 

Which, I admit, is kind of funny. Only 
because it's correct now. 
But don't laugh! 

It's seriously beneath you, please. 

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