A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, November 18, 2023

"ye gods, girl"

So lately I am thinking of you

in ways more suited to the

classical studies group

of a federal penitentiary

all pent up,

some part of me caged like a tiger


and pacing,


and pacing,

and in-between sitting, and wasting

classical literature

a diversion at best from these bars

but better than this nothing

to live with, I suppose

those dudes

are in there, reading pieces,

discovering and deciphering allusions,

gods and myths and idols and

oh, those glorious sylphs and nymphs,

minor and major goddesses and other forms

and it's kind of a revelation

how dirty all that legendary shh- is!

one guy: "FUTZ Pluto! Big bad god of

the underworld, so he gets to be all

below the law - 'R*** of P***sephone'

my a$$! Meanwhile I'm in here

5 to 10 for the same damn thing,


another guy concurs

a third points out all those damn

gods were. And especially right on up

to Zeus. Mr. big god of lightning, plus

supernatural nonconsensual bestiality

always turning into bulls, swans -

man, probably any time back in those days

when a girl got tumbled by a mysterious

out-of-nowhere animal, people just said,

"There goes Zeus again! - but..."

Eventually they just learned to accept the odd

demigod, and highly-modified the story they’d told

against the mother, "...she was asking for it." No.

She wasn’t.

Meanwhile, to the side, one guy -

"You think that really happened often enough

to explain all these stories? I mean,

bestiality…it's generally instigated by

the human. If you think back then,

animals really thought we were all

that much more sexy,

I question that."

"What do you know about it,

four-eyes?" Bristling from the bald guy!

Hurt glowers from several others, rained

-upon looks. "What do you know about it?

What are you in for?"

Four-eyes, abashed, looks
down sheepishly

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