A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, November 20, 2023

Political response to a five (5) stingy sentences meme

This crap smacks of one of those "zero
-sum" NO PIE deals. People who think
the product can't be more than what each
individually put into it.

Well, put me down in column "A," because
I don't understand the attitude. It's as if
somebody got caught halfway between
their ears! Stuck in overcompensating
hypercompetitive show-'em-all SUPERSTAR,
-MISER HAT thrown into the ring! 

A dangerous kook! A disorganization freak
par no excellente! WHICH IS IT? 

Sadly, it isn't a true dichotomy. Too often,
we end up with BOTH. I concur with the
commentator who said GROSS

Those are DEATH SENTENCES written so hard
in blood-debt letters and reason taxed beyond sense
that anybody who shares it and believes it is basically
riding a long bus off a short brick wall into a self
-steered (BUM RUN) abyss for shits and giggles. WHY
O WHY can't anyone tip their bus drivers, when full
performance in a crisis like this is clearly at a premium? 

Superman doesn't count, people. You can't expect
that clown-suited strongman to pick up the check
when he's all godawful agaga over his imperiled GIRL
FRIEND and JIMMY OLSEN up Hoover dam playing
spy camera and "oh, help me I'm a journalist!" CRUTCH
-WORK may not be glamorous, but it's

the hero's response
at this stage in human
development if you ask me.

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