A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Big Promises

The problem is girl, 
you're a woman
who means 
on some to all levels you WANT 
to be exposed in a sort of cynosure,
an overt blast of all eyes wild that goes
from global to public to very personal
in a geologic eyeblink, leaving the whole
wide world rock hard and in no doubt
whatsoever as to your graces and merits, 
wiles and winning ways! 

The censure of all public eyes, it
would not be an exaggeration worth a
lawsuit over, trust me. Anyway, 
we're a little both too far to care past 
worrying, right? That kind of all-encompassing
tell-all show-all coverage blitz means trust. It
simply is the most proven way of establishing
social validity, reputation, good graces - the works. 

Whereas I'm so wise to that game, girl! Because
I know if I fall in that sweet trap to give you just
what's needful, a hot punch of everything wanted
and nothing off-key, you will become so rough in
bed I'm liable to get thrown for a crater! And then
what do we do for round two? The all-important 
proof of virility encore? I advise cool it!

Take a deep sea breather, bask in the salt
air awhile in sunlit spray mode, nobody
needs the publicity these days, and any
way, girl all you are 

to me 

no problemo, for sure.

So sit tight
and right wonderful,
don't fret around none, sweets
because mister fresh juice
and local honeyman's got bees
in the business these days, and
no shock twist overture's going to 
spoil these prompts and goads, cue
-wise or otherwise. 

Or at any rate not
if I have a thing 
to say about it

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