A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, September 03, 2022

freestyle rap self-represent (because asked to)

Something like wickety, wickety.
Hoot hoot I’m the 5′11″ giant!
Middling cliché - All taste! No class!
Compatible one way - which goes well
pretty fast to get along with most, so far.

I’m the 1-man, lowerarchy anti-star!!
I don’t “boast” so much as dis my own beef
on the sly! Not “anti” like against it, I’m
the opposite guy - laid BACK in a hammock
like a lazy’s hit. I’m the antienemy as well,
beleedat ‘ship? Just an anarch, occasionally kissed
- (not an anarchist, but if you insist)
- hey, this political biz?

It isn’t major interests of mine.

So what is?

And how DID I digress
so far down the lanes, arcs
and lines tangential? And is this a rhyme?

Or should I put it in pencil, and erase 
a few lines, ah, I guess it’s all good,
alright, so far so fine.

It’s something…
...entirely unrelated to the cosmic strains.
Something else. Not entirely. We appear
to have drifted far from the freestyle rap
portion of all this, but I can stand it if 

you can't.

I don’t know.

Kinda okay flow maybe?

Feels good.


People seem to get I mean it!
When I say it the best! That I can! Plus,
I’m fond of a lot, a whole lot. MAH-MAN!
And I say so and the people get the gist
of my crux!
When I step up to drop rhymes deluxe,
people say what’s that? Why are you so…
so...elocution-focused? So declaimed? So
impactfully emphatic on pronunciation's game?

I say “This is how I rap!” And then…

…the fall in their eyes has found me out.

They’re disappointed.

I can tell they want to tell me, “it isn’t rap
- where’s the rhymes?” - but they don’t have
the heart to bust me

People are mostly pretty decent I find.

But people aren’t impressed with my
“free verse” freestyle. People want

rhymes. The people do. Their hearts
yearn, for the rhymes. Their ears…their ears'
appetites’ are whetted by the rhyme scheme,
teased and taught to expect - GAH! A rhyme
on the scene at just those beats, whose cadence
rings serene and orderly sweet.

Well, you know what I say?
Never trade the right-on, what
word for a wrong-off
not-quite word that rhymes.

That’s my métier and manifesto
right there, see!
I’m a free verse freestyler
yeah that's me. Which means
rhymes optional, not obligatory 
- and don't it make it all the sweeter
when I come home free? It means
I go off 

e e cummings on yo’ ass!

If not considered necessary or beneficial - PASS!
on the rhyme scheme then, check it out,
I'd be like


“she being brand

-new you know and con-seq-uently
a fast machine, her mo-
tor clean, best damn
woman that I 
you get the idea”

Okay maybe e e cummings isn’t
a (great) one to go


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