A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Recreational Viewing Pt. 1: The Rockford Files

Sometimes I'm sitting around 
the house, or walking, pacing 
puttering around, thinking 'bout 
how and why and such, 

when I say 

I gotta get on the Rockford Files. 
See how Jim Rockford's doing. 
Hey, Netflix or Amazon showed 
me I never saw half of these! So 

settle in and 

(hum that theme song!)
(let the theme song hum
in mind, here) (Do not 
proceed to verse 2 of the 
poem until the full theme 
song has hummed) (let 
that classic montage 
unfold in your inner 
visual DUH NUH NUH)


Suddenly Jim's on the case, 
something tawdry, commonplace
or foul, doing a cheap job of detection 
risking his life against the cops' wills 
for customers who a lot of the time 
turn out to be bums, or morally grey 
- which is why they hire that guy. 

A reputation in that business is a good 
deal to have, but his is good for only 
some things. Brave, smart, gets results 
and pisses people off with his charm!

That cigarette punch trick was sweet,
but everybody heard about it. No dice

gotta come up with new tricks on the fly, 
get ambushed at gunpoint, packed into cars, 
stood up in posh offices or beaten in rooms, 
throw in a couple car chases and case closed. 

Man, nobody does it like Rockford, I suspect 
in real life some would try. You end up looking 
like a playacting chum at that point. Pull 

the other business, big tough P.I.   

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