A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Public humiliation by means

Public humiliation by means 
of nudity. 

I think these means
need to be rethought. First,
they're mean. If it be just
barely noble to see such ends 
bared, still, how do you justify  
that? Second, the logic is ass.
How is extreme immodesty 
supposed to make us humble? 

The world knows the nude 
are brash, arrogant showoffs. 
Is that the ploy? "Strip them 
nude. Right out in public, as 
a ploy! They will die in shame
not literally though - we need 
their living shame to achieve 
this goal: total humility. WHAT?"

That's too obvious a ploy 
to be pulled off. Shame. 
Let alone the clothes,
which aren't yours. That's 
stealing. Let alone
the touching!
That's assault!

Let it alone, please
let them be. Their lack of 
humiliation is truly theirs, 
their problem. Not one's 
own. Let it alone,


Work on solutions within 
for why the want and need 
in you for others to be humble
is so great and hot. Admit it:
you perv. You project and 
overcompensate for your
own clothes! You are
the unhumble one, 
and you want others
to pay a steep price 
in immodesty for
your own attire, 
while you watch! 

Buddy, you are
no buddy to these
people trying to
coax humility forth
by such ass backwards,
cocked out, tits up, pussy 
ass means. It's

If their vain,
arrogant modesty
affronts you so, takes
you aback, makes you
want them stripped 
of whatever dignity
you imagine their
prude crutch clothes
impart, you are looking 

in the wrong place for
other people's humility. 
Try the heart. Maybe
find some there in
your own. Then maybe
the mind will stop swelling
its shameful and lascivious

and grow a pair
of virtues, boss: 
humility, and 

One knows its size 
and place in the grand cosmic
scheme! The other is ashamed,
humiliated at the very idea
of being thought a show-off. Isn't
that right? Don't strip modesty
and humility of dignity 
in a vain, arrogant ploy
to humiliate those
who just want
not to be
thought immodest,
parading nude
for other's yuks, 
yucks, jollies and titillations.

It's cruel, pretty rude 
and frankly small of you. 
You can't make others small, 
sweet and humble by turning them 
into public displays, prancing and parading 
conveniently nude. For you to approve
of that's unnatural! It's only human!

Plus they might like it. Backfire.

Proud and sure in their own skin, saying 
"Not so bad, right?" Oh my God
you nude, pompous ego freak! 
Shameless and for real in your 
own skin! Now what have you 
done! They're less humble than 


were looking for humility 
in all the wrong place:
the surface.

True humility 

goes deeper than skin 
and sits within, with 
justice, mercy, compassion 
and a little virtue I like to call 
forbearance: the restraint of one's 
justified wrath! Against clothes, 
perhaps? Well, 

that sounds like a personal problem
if so. 
it please. Public
by means of nudity

is the very wrongest means
you could pull off, and wanting it 
so bad you strain against your own 
clothes is a tipoff: you're the perv sir, 
not the prim and modest individuals 
taunting you by going about clothed!

It's a bad look, 
and a pretty 
dirty trick

to try to induce humility
by means of theft, assault
and immodesty. It just
won't work, will it? 
What were you thinking 

no beautiful thought,
I assure you leads
so scandalously 
to entice mind's eye. 
Fantasize about compassion 
instead. Justice. True virtue.

Mercy. Now that's hot 

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