A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, March 18, 2022

conspiracy evangelist

There is an important 
of world widening lines 
taut together even 
and odd all over lands,
coasting to seas and back
up the other end 
as if 
had been vanquished, banished,
to conceptual. People


Strangers, even - strangers
especially largely swept up in this net
of insidious effect and unknown cause,
finding each other rude, rude - why?

Why here? They ask. Why 

are people rude on this site?


are rude onsite, people. It's not
the "site." Get over it, calm
up, grow down and root
in the new nature, which
is - spoiler! Alert! Achtung! 
- a bunch of computers strung
together by lines you can see
- material, bendy, cords essentially -
and beams and waves in the air you can't


The beams and waves, I mean. You
can't see
The air
you can see
these days. It's blue,
and way way up there if 

it's a good day 

Not too much of this damn 
'water vapor' pollution (so called)


is for reals, by the way. We invented it
by calling them

and acting with alacrity,
foreseeing generations of need, want
and cowed obeisance, establishing gods 

(or in one cheapskate case, a titan!) to hold
them up. It was done differently (culture),
but usually you hold the sky up by the solid blue
dome above all the water vapor pollution or 'clouds'

That works for the day.

At night, stars do
the work, apparently. Lil' spikes
driven in bright! To fix it. 

I wonder what it was like before 
they thought of that. Broken, 
I know, but how could they tell? In any case, 
those ancient sages of loresmithery and lore-war
back in their age of the world of lorecraft, 

They invented things today's scientists
ashamed of.
How can you compete
with solving the problem of the sky?
Way up there before aeroplanes, with nothing
evidently holding it up, by spiking the night-time
sky with stars and hiring or press-ganging
gods (and one titan) into service all over
the world?

An idea independently arrived-at
just by looking up! These geniuses

solved so many problems science today
can't even see to study. Yet their names 
- Ugh or Grunt, probably in most cases
- no loss - are in most cases lost. See, 

The Storyweaver 

(unlike today) was no superstar power
-mover in the industry. The show was 
the show, not the showmaker. 

We did that.   

It was us who took care of the sky,
for all future generations to look up,
breath relieved sighs (a boon to trees
and vegetation back then - it's not talked
about, but humans have always done
their part for nature!) and rest easy.

We did that. 

We were all geniuses once. So now,
this new threat, in our weakened,
weaksauce, weak-ass diminished
and intellectually-stunted, crippled
state (I do not bemoan or demean 
the stunts modern intellectual cripples 
accomplish - it is all the more to laud, 
given their evident handicaps and
acrobatics), is even worse:

A web of human communication.

Oh yes, it's there. It is real all between
us and around. Hung and strung.
Interlicked, interpoked, interpenetrating 
and (who knows?) invaginating 
us all, for all I know. How 

can we tell? These are deep, 
deep fakes I'm hearing about, 
and in that sense - when you fake it 
deep enough, it gets real 

I've been told. How real?

You can get stalked on it. You can 
get bullied on it. It, the so-called web
("SCW" for short) is a thing in 
and around and very much about 
the world. You can spend time 
on there. Pastime. You can work 
a job on it, or via it. It's sucking 
jobs upline (which is what they 
call it, despite downline would 
be more apropos? This SCW
is bringing us down that line!)

You can die upline.

People have, right in front
of the terminal. That is why
it's called that. They want

you, maybe

to die upline.
Worse, most life
-deranging to some,
you can "meet"

some faraway babe 

and change both your lives
forever no-takebacks by wasting 
years, even decades, finding one or both 
of you waking up old in a different country, 
still together despite the messy and horrendous, 
acrimonious divorce ("we just decided heck, let's
get unmarried!" - he, "turns out we loved it better
the other way," - she

I'm not being bigoted here. Those pronouns 
are accurate to specific case.

"...But we decided to keep the living-on-the 
-same-landmass part," - both. "Same house
even," he piped up cheekily! "When you 
behave," she cheeked, pipe-uppily)

The point is it is changing lives. 



It's some kind of web. Look out 
I know I said "web" already, but
does that tell you how to spot it? 
"Unseen web. Invisible web." Better.
Watch out! For the web is everywhere
you can't see, and 

growing popular. More
and more people suck 
into it all day. 


it will be almost
insurmountable to stop.
And despite it is literally
and figuratively everywhere,
nobody's talking about it, and 

why not? Who wants us not to know? 

I just wanted to warn 
you I have checked and dug deep
where hands and eyes should not

No one is talking about it.
Even on any internet site
or even in-person (that's
when - never mind). 

It's a big hush-up.

They don't 
want you
to know,
but well

too bad 

now you know

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