A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Further in a serious of cautionary threats, starting "Anyone who Fs"

"Anyone who Fs with meeeee gets
SPREAD like butter on BREAD
that's popped in a TOASTER ruining
the toaster DEAD" 

try again 

"Anyone who Fs with meeeee gets
SPREAD like butter on BREAD
that's popped FROM a toaster
making it toast INSTEAD, 

perhaps "then eaten in BED?" no
that makes 'Fs with' risk
coming off like 'SEXED with,'
decidedly NOT the arrangement
to necessitate a series of cautionary

next, with 

"Anyone who Fs with meeee gets 
in a series of cautionary THRATS
that I've come
up with previous-LY! Then
delivered post-coitally - wait
in the 'Fs with' metaphor ONLY,
see? - admittedly diminishing
the cautionary ASPECT, some-what.
Making the THREAT inescapable!

THAT'S what you get
when you F's with meeee!

In the non-coital sense, let us both agree
(and it goes without saying, consensually!) 
(though vigorous UN!-ambiguous VERBAL
consent is the hottest unmistakably!) BUT
that's what you get! In the other context!
A hard-to-understand, unfairly belated
inescapably vain postcautionary threat!
Which has failed its ostensible purpose
to deter! Since delivered after I was
already F'D!"


I need to work
on more of these. Gotta
stockpile if you want credible 
deterrent. Otherwise word gets
'round. "Oh,
don't mess with that dude
his belated threats are just what
you don't want to have to deal with
figuring out. All metaphor, and
inapplicable usually. Best just
not to mess." 

RIGHT. And by 'MESS' they mean
what I mean by 'Fs with!' So,
works out. Point gets


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