A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Partial survey of inclusion modes

Hm. "Integrate"
to me has a ring
of nonliving elements. Used
of the living,
it feels clinical and
mechanistic. I'd agree

"assimilate" is an undesirable whiff,
though. Seems sinister to me
as a goal for humans incoming. It means
essentially become
as or unto
like or similar.
"Integrate" never alters
the element's essence at least!

The integrated
is itself whole!

But only a part, though. 

Of a greater whole, like 
a cog having fits issues, 
maybe. Not wholly 
everybody's kind of party, 

"Include" is cool!
I mean, it's almost
too neutral. Says nothing
of fit, compatibility, congeniality,
alignment or common bond,
just "...here! Included!"


"We drew the
same line around
you as us."
has the drawn
line done though?
Does it signify?
Are we like?
Are we parts
of a bigger snick-click
fit machine?"

"No! No, just
a fulsome, mutual
toleration of presences


"EXCELLENT," seethes
the merely included one. "I am MY OWN,
then - and FREE to pursue own good and gain!"
This stinks like self, so..."...yet out of gratitude
for my includers, I include their gain, too,
as good - where it violates NOT MY OWN." 

Risky, perilous business
mere inclusion. It lacks
checks. Controls. 

Inclusion of the human element 
is always perilous. Risk of 
indignation. 'Butt-hurt.' Self 
feels voided and annoyed by
some overriding context meant
as desirable, to assimilate you 
completely - or integrate you 
in a coherence not merely 
or really or nearly your own. Best, 


might be just
to declare inclusion,
and let it be 

the unspecified kind! A deep 
reconciliation or high end 
alignment can develop naturally!
An outpouring and flowing 
to confluence of individual 
purposes, all present! Without
hints, shoves, forced compliance,
disapproval or other guidance, or if not,
the included part can fuck off!
Go be apart! "Disinclude, then! You

were never
really one
of us" 

...we just tolerated your
presence, essence and unique
nature or character - and/or THIS
is the gratitude by which you reject
us for nothing, fine! Then


Perilous going, though. 
Maybe stay awhile,
figure this out. The others 
seem to like it

that's how they get you
by a mysterious liking 
of it.
What the hell

are these people for?

No knowing 
no telling either - pisses 
them off, telling that. Just 
a hapless, default solidarity 
of mutual alienation and
a reciprocity of ignorance, 
overcome by degrees 
in a common and agreed 
purposeful avoidance 
of individual purposelessness.
That's cool! That's what
we all need, probably but 

it matters a lot 
who we get it with.
How they get us. How
we get each other. We are

all quite like 
an assimilar kind 
in this specific integration 
point, we find. 

Inclusion's the real key. 
Exclusion doesn't do it no
not at all. Inclusion
does it. Therefore 

anyone who tries 
to come 'round up 
in here assimilating 
or integrating must be 
rejected! That will learn 
them the lesson, asshole! Include!

Not yourself! Inclusion is something
we must do TO you - it's no unilateral
self-injection move! No, we


or not at all.
That's why it means
so much, arguably. 

so arguably

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