A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Friday, December 15, 2017

"Windshield note"

live your life outside
the lines. Refuse to fit in.
Stick out, undefined.


Steph said...

This is such a wonderful little haiku. Thank you for releasing it out into the world.

dogimo said...

Thanks! I love rhymed haiku.

I wouldn't call it out in the world at this point, though. Not until someone puts it on a note and sticks it under a wiper of a particularly abstractly-parked car.

Steph said...

Is that a challenge? Because I'll do it. I'll also put it on a T-shirt and wear it to a political protest because that's how I roll.

dogimo said...

Certainly not! I don't do dares or for that matter, issue challenges to others. Things should be done for no reason or not at all.

That last bit is just a motto of mine. It's not strictly reasonable.

Steph said...

Really? Because this would have been a challenge I would have gladly taken on (and quite possibly will "for no reason". And that motto is most definitely not reasonable. Isn't there always a reason even if that reason is, "Just because"?

dogimo said...

Yes, but just because we can generate arrays of reasons to cite after the fact doesn't mean any of those were reasons it was done.

"Just because" isn't a reason. It's an incantation - a formula that means we know there isn't one, and we do it anyway. Because we want to.

Which isn't a reason, either. Just a cause.

Steph said...

OK, I see what you're saying now, and I certainly like the idea of being motivated by no reason at all, especially when it comes to sticking poetry on the windshields of cars in a parking lot. Such things deserve to be taken up for no reason at all.