A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, May 29, 2023

lucid napping

First there's a rainbow pixelly
like a retinal afterburn
cheerfully colored, shifting - organic looking
but rectangular
like a vegetable cell
then there

voices of cheerful, playful and serious, laughing

 control room (?)
 staff? They seem
 frequently amused and speak
as if they don't know I can hear.
I can sense
my hand (left) raised
- at least one case I had
to shake and wriggle it like I was

working a glove on or circulation back.
Like it had fallen asleep
The background
all this time is

shifting like the shapes that drift
and merge when you lie waiting
for sleep,

but possibly it's become quicker.
A door forms with visible corridor
sucking into it - it's like a Universal
Studios ride kind of
there is
gravity and momentum shift.
It is possible to shift from saying things
"out loud" and actually using my vocal chords, or
moving my "hand" and actually my hand, which
is limited by the bed. It is possible

to do this without breaking immersion
entirely but it may weaken it.
Then through the door and often
what sounds like radio broadcasters. You can't quite

hear what they're saying - sometimes
you can. It doesn't seem to be about you.
Sometimes a dream can form around

without going through the door.
Through the door the scene and
people there come into view. Tricky.

Indistinct at first you have to sort
let go to make them real.

you end up in the control room.
They say they're real

but if questioned can
pretend to be aliens or
become aliens.
I dunno, they seem okay to me.
Before they form or you
they can be anything. Once
you immerse it gets stable. But
you can shake your real head and pull

The control room girl wore cotton tan slacks
(stitched like jeans) and a shinier slightly darker
tan shirt. Her hair was red or brightish auburn and
her face oblong. Pleasant, open, very restrained

In the dream it's all real
No longer a daydream either 

I had to save her
I lifted her to carry her our,

I mean, out

I can 
still feel
the taut, soft stitching like 

light on my suddenly heavy

By this point 

I was definitely asleep, and 
she slapped me awake


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