A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas pitch

I always thought there should be a movie
where the global interstate (wait...I don't
mean a big road, but a sort of loose selves
-interested cabal of ostensible public servants
and deep-pockets bigwigs posing as if We Are
All Government! for the major states and nations
of the world, all whilst maneuvering interpersonally
and internationally for petty gains and advantage) (but
this is not the illuminati! These are legit powers of the
peoples, acting largely in their official capacities! Apart
from the bigwigs, who...you know what?) 

I'll come in again

It's pretty grim and dimlit in that X-Files/German Expressionist
way. These folks put a feeler out to Santa, hey buddy, you've got
naughty-nice intel on a nigh omniscient level, you know where
everyone sleeps and you have a sleigh so fast

you can literally visit every home in the course of one long, rolling
24-hour 'Night.' Which has to involve time dickery! Plus...you have
all those TOYS.

Yet what greater good do you accomplish with it?
You sit on your ass 364 days out of the year (and a full,
luxurious 365 on leap years) while the real heroes die
in a hail of terrorist gunfire and improvised explosives!
Time to step up! Suit up! Get with the team!"

That's the pitch, and he thinks
about it, and pitches in. But then
halfway through he realizes he's
been guilt-tripped and manipulated
by a status quo not so nice as it poses,
and he turns around and fights the powers
that be. It's called Santa Claus 1: Batman
Forever 2!

Title needs work

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