A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, December 31, 2022

a sales job of law

There was a law on the wall. 
It said Things Here May Only 
Be Sold Here. Warning: Does 
Not Apply Elsewhere. I asked 

the cashier: is the law true? "The 
law is always true," she monotoned,
in a voice grave and wise that belied
her young years, and also the law

I pursued. "So things here may
only be sold? Never bought? How
do you sell them?" 

She frowned. Her eyes were growly. 

"The act of sell and buy is one." 

I believed her. She meant business. 

"But so the law...?" She clarified 
in a way that managed to be both 
huffy, "over it" and flirtatious - a 
next-level sales move! Where did 
she learn it, or was it impromptu? 

Perhaps inspired by me in some
way? Am I the next-level sales move
muse, here? Great effect regardless.

Anyway, she clarified. "The important 
part is Here. Things Here can only be sold 
Here." "Oho!" I said, getting it. "So I cannot 
coax you to bring a selection of merchandise 
outside and sell it to me there? It must be sold 
here." "Correct," she brightened, seeing that we 

were close to upholding the law. "That would be
against the law, and so in us: against humanity 
as we uphold the law." 

I nodded. The law was true, and now I knew 
how and why. I was removed from hazard, 
and free to abide.  

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