A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Why my brain outperforms yours in theory

My brain outperforms 
all known others in mind, 
but then - that's the angst 
and pang of alienation, 
isn't it? We never can truly 
get inside another's 


to wrack and wrench, 
separate and tease apart 
by individual ganglion, 
suck up a sample of 
the neuro electro 
chemical think-noodle 
simmering broth 
in an eye-dropper
for analysis, (drop
by drop into naked
eye - see what happens!
) then chop up, sort,
weigh and assess 

what's left
of their mental process,
and if we did, even
if we could? 

That's a maniac murder move, 
for sure, dude! Not too smart there 

were you


That's the difference between 
us, too. I knew that already. Oh? 

So did you? 

talk's easy 

prove it

That burden of proof 
is so light, I find 
with the big ol' bag 
of my oh-well-meant
mind flapping wide-open
as the breeze, and empty
all the time 

in an active meditation 
on this never-ending
never-rending incoming
surge of sensory slime 

straight into a conscious 
awareness that now 

In the moment, there's 

just no time. Only reason, 
perception, deception 
and the too-cute baby-coo
pudgy-hands clap approval
of similarity noted,  

Which delights us 
in rhyme. 

So you see. 
We are different. 

I know it. 

So do you. Or if you don't:
let's at least agree 
that we do differ, 
there. Be 

reasonably. Since we're stuck 
with or without each other, well 
viva le differ! And let's admit 
(or in my case, confess) (or boast) 

that between us two, I am the differ! 
Far differ than most. I won't say
the diffest. Modesty abhors.
Might as well appreciate mine
while I get yours, though eh? Might
as well appreciate what
we can't quite 

At least, not without 
a pretty big if, 
and an and, 

one fantastic but. 

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