A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Sunday, December 06, 2020

The differ.

I'm the differ. I do not beg, 
but plead for you to recognize 
this non-discrepancy between 
you and me, for we two 

don't match. Like an egg
doesn't ever quite match
'til it cracks. Even then,
kind of hard to peg. All runny
and drippy and stuff, with sharp
fragile fragments of shell mixed
up. It's no break of deal, no flag
of red.


A different kind of interplay, 
snatched from the air instead!
Of or just scooped off of the turf.
The pass gone long, caught short,
somewhat worse for air, and then

run like a truck all the way!
To the zone where we end
as friends, someday 

you and I 
go home. 
Together, all blushed 
and coy. It's a key quite
distinct I have stuck 
in comfort and joy, 
and have found it fits. 

My philosophy is
Differism. That's it 

I am a Differist 

- as well as "the differ." 
Oh say, I suppose I could say
I'm the diffest, but hey

I wouldn't care to dither 
over such dumb tits 
as hierarchy notches 
or scores, or hits. 

And that's why you love 
me in so many bits, 

And that's why you moan 
and yell at the sum 

all my parts get up 
to sometimes. Un

I'm so sorry 'bout it, 
not "sorry not 

I can't seem to truck
with that kind of lorry but
I hope 

that I do 
make it up 

in the end, either right now 
and bam pow zoom, we are FINE
or by I.O.U., down the road. 

Or by not-and-say-I-did (pretend), 
unwind and unload all the burden,
and just call it borne. Or eventually,

by dint of main strength
and my ever-loving spend,
fulfill and exceed all conceivable 
need for scorn. 

If I don't, if I can't, 


go. As you will, as you must.
You know best. That's the differ! 
He only knows better, never 
best, so. 

That's about us. 

It is good we met. I'm the differ. 

Please tell me we shall never 

for I know I shan't

your difference. So long as I've got
a live. Your diff and mine 
combined, have made all 
kinds of sense, plus 

distinction fine. 

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