A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Rude visitor up

Rude visitor up
all strange in the house 
at such hours and still moments!
Let me not tell you, no one 
being there to hear it: 

I'm one glum inner hideous 
presence, slumming and stalking 
and slanging around every house 
I've ever been in. And keep 

getting asked back!
People really 
have strange taste

in me, or so seems. 

Seems strange, 'til I get 
to know their ideas and sense, 
maybe. Then it fits! Still a touch 
perversely, betimes. What a kink 
and peeve setup. Just druthers 
and jam, I guess 

when it rhymes. 

How can you possibly not
tell how little I love your flaws? Only
in some cases! I so love them
in others. Or, how much
I loathe your clothes
on! Maybe, 

I look too polite. I assure you 
often, by my acts: I am not 
in the slightest, only 
by courtesy. 

So, a right house guest I make, 
at that! If only since I learned 
to treat all as guest, and welcome 

to what's already yours. 

I'm a bat 
with a belfry yet 
so underexplored.

I mean you. 
Not your house. 
I don't poke around in 
that. That's your business, 
I pace mine while waking, 
is all. 

Nobody seems to know, 
but it's cool. Keep one eye
on the ball, and whatever 

house rule. 

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