A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Hopelost in expectationland, suddenly

If she's all real, 
that's my ideal 
just standing there 
scattering light
in drawn shade, 

but if she's part 
fake, I can't see it 
from here! And 
too later will be 
fine to spot 

the exception I'd 
make. Most likely 
just for what's real! 
Whoever turns out:
herself, to show. To
disclose or not, to
keep is to give just
exactly what I'd want,
if it is. For whatever

can't be caught: 

spotted on sight, 
can be caught 
on feel, given
take, we'll give
as we might. As
we go. And so 

may we learn to take 

what's meant! Only 
from whatever she 
just sent! Plus, 

what I did. 

With dudes, it's 
different of course, 
plus with every single
woman on earth except 
one: her, here. She's 

not a horse! Nor a category
box exemplar, sir. She's gotta
real standard fine of however
she is! I can probably pick it up,
if she cares to concur.  

Or just give, or 
deal. Which,
cool if not.
Pretty, cool.
Not cold! 

Well, I wouldn't want warm
from hot if it wasn't caught
free in response, however

natural, we each rise,

and we bring this
between us
in symphony
of surprise. 

So alive. You and 
I so free to we, or 
be us: respectively. 

I concur. Wait - on what? 

"You are fine
by me!"

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