He is intelligent, loyal,
blind to slights unless pointed out,
then laughs out loud
at how stupid
he missed. He is
funny but misses the joke
'til you laugh, he has
hazel eyes, and a tendency.
He has an inclination
and a preference as well.
These don't come up
in talk, but he can explain
them well,
supposing they did. He does not
think at all when he talks,
but has long since and always
thought through what he means,
afterwards and before. He pokes
idiotic fun at you,
and does not seem to consider
you'd believe it's true.
In short,
one very mixed bag
of traits. He is
mindful and thoughtless,
considerate, insensitive - impudent and
uppity as hell, by the way! Unruly, ornery
even. He would never for one moment
rule you, or want to.
He never minds not being believed,
figuring you will once you do.
Thank you!
I totally forgot about this one.
I could never.
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