A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Saturday, November 14, 2020


It's an effortless match we serve 
and volley, and score without boards
or lines, or net. Someone's keeping track, 
I'm sure - we both are - but incomparably, 
without numbers or bets. When each 
of us win, I'll defeat you at last. It won't 
be a tie, as you triumph withal. The fans 
will leap up from the stands in a rush 
to the court or the exits, but we 

will just stand there 
and breathe, and smile, 
and stall

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