A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Monday, November 14, 2022

early onward

I remember when I was 
one cell, one single-celled 
organism I couldn't even 
FORM memories. You 
had no place to put it! 

I had to concentrate 
so hard. All this shit 
was going on inside me, 
split! Split! "Are there 
going to be more of me

No, asshole. Just shut 
up and watch how it works 

God was so sick of my questions 
back then. I didn't even know 
what God was, I thought God 
was some kind of big loser. 
No body! I had a super blobby
body and it was huge by my
count. Meanwhile, some "being
of pure spirit" all infiniting around 

I would go "boooOOOOoOo!"
- but apparently God had seen 

I don't know why but God spends
most of that infinite time and attention
chilling with humans at the pre-being

Maybe it's easier. Telling them all this
shit, "LOOK, 'Joe.' You're not going
to remember any of this, but-" I was
like, who IS THIS thing? Why call me
'Joe,' as opposed to anything else? "I
KNOW FUTURE SHIT-" "Oh come on
man! Get out of my head #1, and #2:
spoiler alert! I wanna find out normally!" 

got the idea eventually. And 
I can't really blame or fault 
on that score. I was a little 
snot pocket! But 

sometimes I'm sad 
it all happened before 
I could even form memories. 
Now I don't even know what 
happened then! 

Then later I got distracted 
something awful! WOW. 

So this is the famous "birthday" 
I never heard about once in 
my entire life.

What's with the "air"? Is that
seriously the best we can do?  

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