A Pocketful of Poesy was and is again a Poem-a-Day(-on-Average) Blog! For 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and now for 2017 and going forward, you may expect to see 365 poems every year, 366 for leap years.

but aren't they all random?

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Straight maybe

Listen. I knew this was a chance
when I took it with half a thought 
and my whole heart. And now 

you know about me. What I am. 
Or if you don't, it's time you did. 

you know
you can decide what we've gotten 
you into. You need to know this 

about me. 

I am the mack dandy. 
The big pizza-eater. 
The one with the thumbs.
The trouble bubble,
and when I swell it goes
out to the ionosphere,
and when I pop it's like

every cop in the world 
got called and its a panic
scramble nightmare of 
paperwork, filling out 
reports and applications
for warrants, warranted
and not in a huge ass-covery
recovery ops binge preparatory
to the greatest red-tape bureaucracy
parade never seen.

They have to pull a hush-up 
when I'm on the scene, or it's 
a bad look for them. I don't 

want that. I'm mild in my 
aspirations, I can't help it 
my effect's so outsize. When 
I'm home, I'm home for business. 
The whole walls and windows, 
cupboards and draws setup hums
with the echoes of past business,
and guides with as-if spectral hands
the way future business is tended


I do the dirty daily-duly on duty mode,
and I don't question what I must or wanna,
'cause it's gonna happen like it had to, and
fate's big hand in the game is afoot - 

but today, dearie?

You and me hold all the cards. For now
and for once, it's no business of anyone's
but the whole wide world if we stay,
hit, raise, show or fold. You knew 

all this about me the moment 
you first held my eyes, I thought. 
But now I've got to know. Did 
you? Do you now? And what 
do you say? 

If I'm wrong, it could be 
the wrong one of us got 
sucker-punched in the eyes 
that day, that night, that week 
those months so long ago, at 
that cowboy disco hoedown 
we dragged ourselves to, and 
it's kinda funny neither of us 

tumbled to it since, if so. 

You know me. 
You know what I am. Am I 
problem to you? Solution?
Opportunity, challenge, 
comfort, head-rest, heartstring 
or just a puzzle? I

don't need to know. You 
don't need to answer. Not 
now, not ever, but I needed 

to put this out there. To give you 
this chance. You could take it now,
or forever. 

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